divendres, 24 de maig del 2013







Born in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, Sheetal Sheth is first generation American. Her parents came to the United States from Gujarat, India in 1972. The second of three children, Sheth has an older sister and a younger brother. When she was twelve, her family moved to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where her parents still reside. As a youth she traveled to India frequently with her family, and continues to visit family there regularly English is her primary language, but she is fluent inGujarati, and has studied Hindi, French and Spanish Sheetal Sheth is an American actress and producer. Sheetal Sheth She starred opposite Albert Brooks in his film Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World. She debuted to rave reviews in the films ABCD and American Cha She was also the first Indian American to appear in Maxim magazine. She takes an active interest in politics, she's served in AmeriCorps, she participates in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles as a Big Sister, and she supports and promotes organizations such as Women's Voices Now which encourage communities that are under-represented in American media to make their voices heard. She also regularly speaks on panels and forums internationally.

divendres, 3 de maig del 2013

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